7 Best Family Command Centers to Calm Your Crazy Days
One of the biggest struggles in maintaining an organized life is keeping track of appointments, schedules, bills, and the piles of paperwork that enter your home on a daily basis. A great solution for controlling the chaos is to create a family command center.
A family command center is a centralized spot to store all of the paperwork and schedules you need to keep track of.
Most command centers typically consist of some type of calendar or schedule area, an area for notes, a mail or paper slot, and somewhere to store writing supplies.
Some family command centers are wall systems, some are desk systems, and some are a combination of the two. You’ll need to decide which is most appropriate for your family.
You should place your command center near the hub of your home so it will actually get used. I tried putting mine in our office, but we never used it.
Bills, scheduled appointments, notes, and mail would end up stacked on the kitchen counter and appointments were still getting missed because we kept forgetting to check the calendar. Once I moved it to the kitchen where we enter and exit the house, we started using it appropriately
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Family Command Center Ideas to Organize Your Life
During my journey to organize my life, I came across several great ideas that I really like and wanted to share with you. Some are DIY solutions and others are actual products you can purchase.
1. Handmade System from Harmony Boards
I really love this handmade command center from Stephanie at Harmony Boards. It features a calendar, a notes area, a mailbox, a jar for writing implements, and hooks for keys.
2. Wall/Desk Combination by Jenn at Clean and Scentsible
Jenn did a great job combining a wall system with a desk system to meet the needs of her entire family. She has plenty of space for files, bills, supplies, and notes.
3. Family Command Center Closet from Krista at The Happy Housie
Krista’s creative solution combines a wall and desk system tucked into a small closet to create a command center for her family. She has included several storage systems to meet all her family’s needs.
4. Pantry Wall System by Kim at Sand and Sisal
Kim’s pantry command center is an excellent solution for any home with a pantry. It’s easily accessible and utilizes the dead space on the interior of the pantry doors.
5. Small Wall System by Landee at LandeeseeLandeedo
Landee has used several creative solutions on this command center that she created on a small side wall next to her refrigerator.
6. Large Wall Sytems by Andrea at One Creative Housewife
Andrea has a large space and makes good use of all of it. She covers all of the bases with this comprehensive wall system that includes a calendar, notes area and plenty of file and mail storage.
7. Daily System Kitchen Set from Pottery Barn
This large kitchen system from Pottery Barn should meet the needs of even the largest family. There are several spots to write, post notes, store files and supplies, and even hang your keys.
Build Your Own Family Command Center by YOU
Now that you’ve seen a little bit of inspiration, how about assembling your own command center? You can pick the pieces that fit your family’s needs and place them in the heart of your home to keep everybody organized. My picks below are all available from Amazon.
Message Board Options
Mail Organizer Options
Desk Organizer Options
Your Family Command Center Ideas
Do you have a command center? What are your command center ideas for keeping your family organized and on schedule?