41 Genius Spring Cleaning Hacks Guaranteed to Make Your Life Easier

Hello warm weather, chirping birds, camellia blooms, and spring cleaning. Ugh, spring cleaning! If you loathe spring cleaning like I used to, I have some good news! Here are a bunch of spring cleaning hacks that make it easier.

Cleaning tasks like dusting can get a little messy, especially if they’re over your head. To avoid creating more mess and extra work, start at the top and work your way down.

1. Make Cleaning Easier by Working in a Top-Down Pattern

Get the magic eraser slightly damp, then scrub away. It works well on painted walls, laminate, ceramic, melamine, plastic, silicone, and glass surfaces just to name a few.

2. Remove Scuffs Marks with a Magic Eraser

Try using a lint roller. Start by rolling the sticky tape over the sides of the lampshade, then roll it over the top and bottom edge to pick up any stragglers.

3. Use a Lint Roller to Dust Lampshades

Using a lint-free microfiber cleaning cloth will save you a ton of time on things like mirrors, windows, glass shower doors, and stainless steel appliances.

4. Save Time with Lint-Free Microfiber Cleaning Cloths

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