Simple Steps That Help You Effectively Organize Any Space

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Does the word ‘organize’ make you anxious and irritable? Does looking at a cluttered, chaotic mess leave you feeling hopeless and defeated?

With these five simple steps I was able to organize every room in my home, and you can organize any space too.

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There are many different approaches to organizing. This one makes it possible to organize an entire room or just a space within that room.

1) Pick a Space or Room to Organize

Starting with one space allows you to break organizing into smaller, more manageable tasks.

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2) Make a List of the Problems

Start by standing at the entrance to the space you have chosen and look around. Write down what doesn’t belong, what’s in the way, and what isn’t working.

3) Brainstorm Organization Solutions

Take a breath and relax, this is the fun part. Grab yourself a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine – I won’t judge) and put on your thinking cap.

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4) Make a Plan

The Simple Solutions list that quickly gets your space cleared out and cleaned up, and the Permanent Fix list that prevents the problem from happening again.

5) Organize Your Space

This is where the real work begins, so put on some motivating music and get moving. It’s time to break the cycle and get your space organized.

Swipe up now to learn more how to effectively organize any space!

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