Your Messy House: The Simple Guide You Need to Succeed

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How to clean

How to clean

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Your home’s a total disaster and there’s so much to do that you don’t know where to start.

It’s a vicious circle that gets increasingly worse, but there’s hope. You CAN clean that messy house and I’ll help show you how.

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Is a Messy House a Sign of Mental Illness?

Messiness is a personality trait, not a mental illness. However, it can be a sign of physical or mental health issues including depression and anxiety.

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Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to help you conquer the chaos and clean your messy house.

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Decide Where to Start Cleaning Your Messy House

The first step to cleaning a messy house is to decide where to start. This can be a big challenge and one of the toughest roadblocks to overcome.

Throw Away the Obvious Garbage

The simplest thing to start with is obvious trash. It’s easy to identify, and getting rid of it doesn’t normally cause any emotional reactions, so it’s a great task to start with.

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Pick Up the Dirty Dishes

If they’ve been sitting out for very long, it’s probably best to run a sink full of hot, soapy water and let the dried-on mess soak for a little bit.

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