7 Tips to Reduce Your Out of Control Grocery Spending

What’s Considered Grocery Spending?

Let’s start by getting real about what should be included in grocery spending. When you think about grocery spending, you often forget to include the amount spent eating out.

1. Analyze Your Shopping Habits

What you need is a grocery shopping game plan with specific tips to reduce grocery spending.

2. Know What You Have On Hand

Before you even think about heading to the store, check your pantry, cupboards, and freezer to see what you already have on hand.

3. Plan Your Menu

Using the list of ingredients from the pantry, figure out a meal plan for at least 1 week at a time. Write down each breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack.

4. Stock Up During Sales

Grocery stores use all kinds of sales gimmicks to get shoppers to buy more. Buy one get one free, buy three for $5, and buy ten for $10 are some of the common ones.

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